Weezy’s famous tuna fish sandwich.
When you live smack in the middle of a nowhere state the only thing that keeps me from walking outside and committing suicide by hypothermia, (because its so friggin cold here all the time 🥶) is sticking my nose in other peoples business. Call me an asshole, but I think you can admit any woman with a pulse likes to gossip about Sharon from next door and all the juicy tea with her and her husband's divorce. So sit down, make a crisp ice coffee and let's jump on the gossip band wagon together.
Weezy’s Famous Tuna Fish Sandwich.
We all have that family member that's the thing of legend. Whether it's a great, great, great grandpa that served in WW1, or a distant relative that traveled the whole country with only a penny in their pocket. Weezy is our legend.
She lived in Happy Valley near Albany, Maine, and I can tell you if Weezy was in town, it wasn't a very happy valley. Not only was it, the quite large, greasy redhead herself that was some sort of icon in my family, it was her famous tuna fish sandwich.
One kids birthday party back in the 90’s at a picnic table sat my mother, grandmother along with other friends and family. Growing up when my grandmother told me this story growing up she always made it a point to tell me, “I swear that women never took a shower in her life.” so I hope that piece of information can help you understand the true gravity of the situation.
My mom sat there bright eyed and rosy cheeked enjoying a tuna fish sandwich. Then my grandmother asked my grandfather at her left, “Who made the tuna sandwiches?” “Weezy I think.” he said. Thats when true horror hit. Everything started to move in slow motion as Weezy reached across my grandmother to grab something off the table and her tit squished smack dab in the middle of my mom’s tuna fish sandwich. At that moment my grandmother decided the best way to handle this situation was to flee the scene.
All the way home my grandmother would continue to throw up at the mention of Weezy. Sense that day my mom and grandmother have never shared a tuna fish sandwich. To fully immerse you in the women Weezy was, I want you to take into note on every meal that Wezzy and her husband would share they would share a little something else, Weezy would carefully chew her food and then she would proceed to take out her false teeth, hand then to her husband he would chew his food and they would go on like this until they finished their meal.
So today we should all make a point to be more like Weezy, a legend.